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How to add a promotion code

You can load in promotion codes to the promotions wallet in the app.

If you have received a promotion, follow the step-by-step instructions below

Step-by-step instructions

  1. open the app and tap menu

  2. enter the promo code tap save

Understanding your promotions

when you save a promo code, you will be able to see:

  1. Status. i.e., Active, expired, redeemed.

  2. The expiry date

  3. The number of uses for the code

  4. The promotion i.e., up to 10% off

  5. The sites that the code is valid on

Frequently asked queries

How do I use a promotion code?

Once a promotion is added to your wallet, it will automatically be loaded on your next park as you go session.

What does it mean if I cannot save a promo code?

a) Either the promotion code is not valid.

b) The promotion has expired.

c) The promotion code limit has been reached.

When you hit save, you should see a message that describes the issue.

If your promotion code is still not saving, contact

Are there any exclusions?

Each promotion code will have its own settings, such as parking lots it is valid at. We recommend you check the terms are conditions page for more information, or contact

Promotions are only valid on park as you go sessions and cannot be redeemed for bookings/reservations.

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